
Navigating the Japan healthcare landscape over the past 12 months

After nearly 60 years in business since it was established, COSMO reflects on the past 12 months of helping MNCs navigate Japanese healthcare communications.

Healthcare Communication Consulting

Healthcare communications consultancy has grown further into our core offering since we first committed to this space over a decade ago. This year, COSMO was a leading consulting agency for one of the largest M&A deals by a Japanese company.

We also managed product launches across varied disease areas and proactively communicated clinical milestones. COSMO provided English and Japanese communication services across preclinical to launch phases for both established pharmaceutical companies and upcoming biotech companies.

Drug pricing

In Japan, drug prices are set by the government through a regulated process. Pricing of innovative medicines in the National Health Insurance system remains a key topic in Japan. COSMO is a trusted advisor to pharmaceutical companies, developing market access strategies and post-launch communications around the value of innovative treatments. We are committed to addressing healthcare pricing challenges as discussions around national medical expenditures continue to intensify.

The healthcare communication landscape is rapidly evolving. Pharmaceutical companies must adapt global communications for local audiences and, particularly in Japan, companies must navigate challenging regulations. COSMO understands the regulatory environment in Japan and provides effective creative communications solutions.

Activity Snapshot in 2018

  • At Japan’s newest integrated research park, we are accelerating cross-industry communications to transform Japan-born cutting-edge science into innovative health solutions.
  • We experienced an uptick in engagement from biopharmaceutical firms to expand R&D milestone communications for their Japanese stakeholders.
  • COSMO facilitated multi-stakeholder dialogue around patient perspectives, health economics, and industry growth.
  • We engaged patients through advocacy, disease education and influencer research programs.
  • COSMO also continued to address access to medicines in developing countries and hosted a ‘Global Health Forum’ for multiple stakeholders including pharmaceutical companies.

Thank you!

2019 is already shaping up to be an exciting year. New pharmaceutical promotion regulatory changes have just been enacted and we are supporting clients to guide their communication strategies, while remaining compliant. COSMO is also planning on expanding our healthcare services to further support clinical stage communication needs. All our employees are striving for the best client outcomes, and we are deeply grateful for our clients, both past and present, for choosing COSMO.

This past year was extremely rewarding for what COSMO achieved as an agency, but also what we accomplished with our clients. I feel the work we are doing can positively impact society now, but also prepare for innovation and medicines in the future. Entering the new fiscal year, my plan remains to grow the industry’s trust for COSMO as the best partner in strategic communications.

– Kumi Sato, President and CEO, COSMO

ObaNavigating the Japan healthcare landscape over the past 12 months