Kumi Sato

2024 Year in Review and Renewed Optimism for 2025

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.
2024 was a challenging year for Japan, ushered in with an earthquake in the Noto Peninsula and an aviation accident at Haneda airport. Alongside recurring natural disasters, significant political and economic fluctuations further tested society as a whole. The healthcare sector also experienced notable reforms, such as the full implementation of the “Work Style Reform for Doctors” and the transition to the My Number Health Insurance Card. Against this backdrop of a turbulent year, we published three newsletters to share insights on critical themes and foster dialogue with our readers.
In March, we released the newsletter titled, “Environmental Changes and Health in Medical Practice – What changes should we expect from work style reforms for doctors?” This issue delved into the impact of reforms aimed at reducing the burden on medical professionals and enhancing the quality of patient care. We received broad positive responses, reflecting the importance of understanding the challenges facing the healthcare field and building a sustainable medical system.
October’s newsletter, “Survey Results: Exploring Strategies for Media and Healthcare Companies in a Post-COVID Era,” presented survey results on which types and formats of information media outlets are most interested in receiving. This feature provided insights into how the role of corporate communication has evolved in the post-pandemic era and offered new perspectives on how COSMO and its clients are adapting to these changes.
The focus for November’s newsletter was, “Leveraging “Media Analysis” for Successful PR Strategies.” This issue explored the significance of integrating media trends into corporate PR strategies. We hope the ideas shared served as helpful hints to enhance the effectiveness of your ongoing monitoring activities.
Looking ahead to 2025, we are committed to further developing these initiatives, and strengthening our support for companies and organizations as they build trustful relationships with society to co-create a sustainable future. As digital transformation accelerates, the importance of accurate and empathetic communication will continue to grow. With “trust” and “empathy” as our guiding principles, we will remain flexible and agile in navigating this rapidly changing environment, creating new value together with our clients.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for placing your trust in COSMO and look forward to our partnership achieving more together in 2025.
I wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous year ahead!

Kumi Sato
President and CEO
Cosmo Public Relations Corporation

Note: Our office will be closed for winter vacation from December 30 through January 3. We will be open for business from January 6. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

岩下裕司2024 Year in Review and Renewed Optimism for 2025
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The Year in Review & Optimism for 2023

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Preparations for the post-COVID-19 era have opened up new challenges for all of us, including how to operate remotely and taking precautions, such as continuing to wear masks even in the workplace.
Japan is still preparing to cope with an eighth wave of COVID, although, work and life are generally back to normal.

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The Year in Review & Optimism for 2022

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

This year is a special year for Cosmo Public Relations Corporation (“COSMO”). It marks our 60th anniversary. This occasion has allowed for some personal reflection on where COSMO has come from and where we would like to go in the future.

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The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) Viewpoint: Revise Japan’s Immigration Laws to Allow Hiring of Foreign Domestic Workers to Support Japanese Women’s Participation in the Workforce

The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) Viewpoint:
Revise Japan’s Immigration Laws to Allow Hiring of Foreign Domestic Workers to Support Japanese Women’s Participation in the Workforce


The ACCJ has issued three Viewpoints on this topic. The first two were issued in 2013 and 2015, with sponsorship from the ACCJ Growth Strategy Task Force. This most recent Viewpoint was issued in November 2020 and was sponsored by the ACCJ FDI and Global Economic Cooperation Committee and the Human Resource Management Committee.

Kumi Sato, President and CEO of Cosmo Public Relations Corporation, was the principal writer of this Viewpoint, which is one of her life’s work. Ms. Sato is dedicated to encouraging the Japanese government to ease immigration regulations that would allow foreign domestic workers to be sponsored by Japanese citizens, as is done in other Asian places such as Hong Kong and Singapore. The option to hire foreign domestic workers would help increase women’s participation in the workforce, contribute to the domestic economy, and aid Japan’s campaign to become an Asian Financial Center.

Direct link to the Viewpoint

Press Contact:
Cosmo Public Relations Corporation
Yoko Awata

岩下裕司The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) Viewpoint: Revise Japan’s Immigration Laws to Allow Hiring of Foreign Domestic Workers to Support Japanese Women’s Participation in the Workforce
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Optimism for 2021


Happy New Year!

Each new year brings opportunity to bookmark our lives – to reflect and contemplate on our hopes for the year ahead. After the turmoil of last year I’m sure that, like me, you are more curious than ever of what the world will be like in 2021.

As a communications consulting firm specializing in healthcare, all of us at COSMO have been at the center of COVID-19, striving to help many healthcare companies and organizations that are committed to maintaining the health and quality of life of people in the midst of the pandemic.

In a shining example of the power of healthcare innovation, the latter half of 2020 finally brought some “light” at the end of the tunnel. We feel fortunate to have overcome the most difficult year in COSMO’s 60-year history.

Yet we cannot reflect on 2020 without thinking of those who suffered and still suffer from COVID-19, remembering those who have lost family members, friends, jobs, and much that was important to them.

Learning from the last year, COSMO will continue to evolve, be relevant, and seek to lead in every way. We have established three goals for 2021 to ensure we become a partner that makes even more impactful contributions to our clients’ businesses:

◇Continue to publish our Healthcare Insight Report, expanded to cover more therapeutic areas
Developed using COSMO’s proprietary patient survey data, our “Patient Insight Report: Cancer” was well-received after its publication last year. We will continue to publish the report and replicate its survey insight model for tracking healthcare trends across a range of disease areas and research topics.

◇Launch of patient advocacy portal site
As one of COSMO’s core services, a portal site dedicated to patient advocacy will be launched this year to promote the specialization to a wider audience. Serving as a hub, it will showcase best practices from Japan and abroad, creating a multi-stakeholder environment for developing patient-centric initiatives.

◇Launch of corporate reputation management tools and services
Corporate reputation is a critical business asset, but a lack of consistent metrics to evaluate it makes it difficult to manage long-term and strategically. COSMO will launch corporate reputation management tools and services this year that work in the Japanese market, drawing on best practices from global partners.

I hope that the anxiety and restrictions we have grown accustomed to will pass soon so that we may once again meet in person. It is my sincere wish that 2021 will be a special year for each and every one of you.

Kumi Sato,
President and CEO
Cosmo Public Relations Corporation

岩下裕司Optimism for 2021
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Kumi Sato Speaks on Communication Strategy Frameworks at COINS Retreat Camp 2019

Cosmo Public Relations Corp. President, Kumi Sato, joined the Center of Open Innovation Network for Smart Health (COINS) and the Innovation Center of NanoMedicine (iCONM) to lecture on communication strategy. The COINS/iCONM event included a series of seminars under the central theme, “Looking ahead to the arrival of globalization and the AI era.” The COINS/iCONM event was attended by doctors and researchers specializing in smart nanomachines.

Sato’s lecture was entitled, “How to Effectively Communicate – Communication Leadership.” In her presentation, she instructed participants how to consider healthcare communication strategies beyond ad hoc tactics by harnessing COSMO’s communication framework. She began by introducing how COSMO uses an “umbrella framework” to approach core healthcare communication challenges.

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COSMO社長の佐藤玖美、COINSリトリート合宿2019 に講師として登壇 

株式会社コスモ・ピーアール社長の佐藤玖美は、2019年10月18日、スマートライフケア社会への変革を先導するものづくりオープンイノベーション拠点(COINS※)および公益財団法人 川崎市産業振興財団ナノ医療イノベーションセンター(iCONM)の共催イベントに参加し、コミュニケーション戦略について講演しました。イベントでは、「グローバル化とAI時代の到来を見据えて」をテーマに複数のセミナーが開催され、医師やスマート・ナノ機器専門研究者が参加しました。

佐藤は「How to Effectively Communicate – Communication Leadership(効果的なコミュニケーション方法とは-コミュニケーション・リーダーシップ)」について講演し、COSMOのコミュニケーション・フレームワークを用いて、場当たり的な戦術を超えたヘルスケアコミュニケーションの戦略を策定する方法について説明しました。まず、ヘルスケアにおけるコミュニケーション課題に取り組む上で、COSMOでは「アンブレラ・フレームワーク(傘型のフレームワーク)」を活用することを紹介ました。

ObaCOSMO社長の佐藤玖美、COINSリトリート合宿2019 に講師として登壇 
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Navigating the Japan healthcare landscape over the past 12 months

After nearly 60 years in business since it was established, COSMO reflects on the past 12 months of helping MNCs navigate Japanese healthcare communications.

Healthcare Communication Consulting

Healthcare communications consultancy has grown further into our core offering since we first committed to this space over a decade ago. This year, COSMO was a leading consulting agency for one of the largest M&A deals by a Japanese company.

We also managed product launches across varied disease areas and proactively communicated clinical milestones. COSMO provided English and Japanese communication services across preclinical to launch phases for both established pharmaceutical companies and upcoming biotech companies.

ObaNavigating the Japan healthcare landscape over the past 12 months
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ACCJ 70周年記

在日米国商工会議所(ACCJ)は、2018年10月16日に70周年記念をグランド ハイアット 東京で祝いました。


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ACCJ 70th Anniversary

On October 16, 2018, the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) celebrated its 70th anniversary at the Grand Hyatt Tokyo.

The ACCJ was established 70 years ago when founding ACCJ President Dennis McEvoy met General Douglas MacArthur to discuss the great potential of the ACCJ as a force for good. Since then, the ACCJ has become a primary voice in the US–Japan economic partnership and the premier foreign business organization in Japan.

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株式会社コスモ・ピーアール社長の佐藤玖美は、2017年6月30日、仏の製薬企業ポクセル(Poxel SA、本社:仏リヨン)の取締役に就任しました。ポクセルは、二型糖尿病治療薬イメグリミン(Imeglimin)を含む代謝疾患治療薬の開発に特化したバイオ医薬品企業です。佐藤は、当社の経営者として30年以上に渡り、ヘルスケア業界に特化した戦略的コミュニケーション・コンサルティングに携わってきました。





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5月13日には弊社社長 佐藤玖美が、ランチョンセッション「起業家精神を加速する」でモデレーターを務めました。当セッションではミュリエル・ペニコー ビジネスフランスCEO兼対仏投資誘致担当大使(フランス)、エリカ・チャン ウォールマートアジア副社長兼シニアアドミニストレイティブオフィサー(香港特別行政区)、佐々木恵美子 新日本有限責任監査法人パートナー(日本)、米良はるか Ready For株式会社CEO(日本)の4名がスピーカーとして登壇しました。



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